Gentle exercises and relaxation

  • Movement Snacks

Short seated exercises that you can carry out in the comfort of your own home, doing as much or as little as you feel you can. Each of these seated movement snack sessions are approximately 15 minutes in length. Their aim is to help you reduce your time sitting still, by demonstrating functional movements that you can build in to your day. Click here to access the video

  • Movement to Music - Exercises

Being active can help in the management of many long-term conditions, and is helpful in the management of pain, fatigue, depression. It also aids sleep, improves our bone health, improves our balance, flexibility and muscle strength to help with daily activities and prevent injury. The more you can do the better and, where needed, activity can be broken down into smaller sessions, such as 10 minute intervals and completed as frequently as you like. Exercise doesn’t have to be scary but it is important to keep moving, so do what you enjoy, do it at a frequency and intensity that suits you and try to build up your activity levels gradually. Click here to access the video

  • Guided Mediation

You will find on this page a selection of calming, relaxing and guided meditations. In end of life care guided meditation can help ease pain, reduce anxiety and provides peace and comfort to those who use them. They require minimal effort and can be watched or simply listened to. Click here to access the video