Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)

Over 20,000 expectant parents a year are told that their baby may have a genetic or structural condition. This causes a great deal of anxiety and uncertainty for expectant parents and their families. We offer impartial information and support to expectant parents facing decisions about antenatal tests and results. We do this throughout their journey – before, during and after tests, receiving unexpected or difficult news from tests and making decisions about what to do.

We provide independent, accurate, unbiased information so that parents can take the decisions that are right for them. If a parent decides on termination, we support them through their loss and what can be a complicated grieving process that follows.

We provide ARC's national helpline, answered by trained staff, along with ARC Forum, a password-protected and moderated groups for parents who have lost a baby after a prenatal diagnosis.

We also have a range of publications, newsletter and run bereaved parent meetings during the year.
